The View From Here

In a typical week, I listen to a lot of music – and I do mean a lot. I’ve got the radio in my car, apps on my devices, and if I’m out for a walk you won’t see me without headphones in my ears. My tastes are diverse and chosen to suit my mood or task at hand. Driving requires different music than the office, and working in the garage needs an altogether different soundtrack from an evening walk. I do have to say that I enjoy the old-school format with a live DJ that offers a little music history or insight about the songs in each set. I suppose it’s the nerd in me that enjoys knowing more about how a particular guitar riff was inspired, a lyric developed, or cultural and historical events that were happening when an album was released. I recently heard the origin story of the Beatles’ 1967 hit, “Magical Mystery Tour” in which folks in England used to all pile on a bus together without knowing for sure where they were headed or how long they would be gone. I’ll admit, it’s tempting to spend some time exploring how similar that experience would be to what we’ve all been through together in the past year. The point is, I always learn something new, and occasionally I am taken by surprise by something that strikes a chord.

It was on one such occasion that the live DJ on a classic rock station read a quote by an unknown philosopher that resonated with me:

“Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still have calm in your heart.”


Fulfillment comes not from seeking only what is comfortable and avoiding challenges; it comes when we face hardships together and overcome them. For more than a year we’ve faced the noise, the trouble, and the hard work. We are grateful beyond measure for your kind words, your prayers, and your support of our HaysMed Associates and patients these past months.

If you’d like to learn more about the things HaysMed Foundation donors support right here at home, we share them here in our newsletter, on our website, and through our interactions with local and regional organizations and businesses. If you want to become a bigger part of our work through a gift now or a planned gift for the future, Jayne or I would be happy to learn more about you so we can match your passion with the right programs here at HaysMed. Despite all the changes and challenges, our goal remains the same – providing for the people and programs that help our region to be healthy.