These sessions will be live-streamed for registrants not able to attend in person. If you elect to attend this program, you are entering an area where photography, audio and video recording will occur and be shared with other program registrants.
Please note:
Registration for these sessions is currently closed.
For registration questions, please call the HaysMed Foundation Office at 785-623-2350.
Please refresh browser (F5) if registration form does not appear.
*Continuing Education Credits
*All provided continuing education certificates are valid for the listed professional licensures in the state of Kansas. Please check with your state's licensing organization(s) to verify your ability to submit credits issued for the following in the state of Kansas:
CNE Hays Medical Center is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. The course offering is approved for 2.0 contact hour applicable for RN or LPN re-licensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing Approved Provider Number: LT0021- 1138.
RESPIRATORY THERAPY The Hays Medical Center Respiratory Care Continuing Education Evaluator on behalf of the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts has approved this program for 2.0 CRCE hours. Providership No 004 .
PT/OT Paperwork will be provided to submit to KOTA and KPTA for Credits.