HaysMed Plans Childcare Facility

View from a Proposed Location of the New Childcare Facility near the HaysMed Fitness Trail.

The HaysMed Foundation has secured $1.3 million to construct a childcare facility on the HaysMed campus. The funds were committed from accumulated unrestricted contributions to the HaysMed Foundation, as well as from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation, and earnings from an endowed fund established by the Hadley Foundation. The proposed facility will be licensed to accommodate more than 70 children with a focus on helping families of HaysMed Associates. Excess capacity will be made available to the public as well.

This is a significant need in the region. The most recent Ellis County Community Health Needs Assessment Survey identified childcare options as a top 5 need. According to data generated in June 2022 by Childcare Aware of Kansas, there is a shortfall of 635 spots for childcare in Ellis County alone. The addition of the HaysMed childcare facility will eliminate more than 12% of this deficiency. Moreover, a survey completed by K-State Research and Extension identified a high percentage of people in the region who would seek employment if they had access to quality childcare.

“One of the barriers to recruitment and retention of nursing staff in particular in today’s environment is the unavailability of enough quality childcare. When quality care is accessible, it allows people a work-life balance without constantly worrying about who will be caring for their children tomorrow or next week,” said Vice President of Patient Care and Chief Nursing Officer Terry Siek.

“This project represents an opportunity for us to define who we want to be; an organization that cares for its people and community while gaining access to an entire group of potential Associates and ease the burden of childcare in the region in a short amount of time. The HaysMed Foundation is honored to be part of this monumental solution,” said Foundation Executive Director Jeff Brull.